Dit is de opdracht: “In één kleur!”. Neem een motief of onderwerp bv uit de natuur en werk dat uit. Mijn doel is: een quilt in één en dezelfde kleur, mag in diverse tinten. Dus niet van wit naar zwart of bv van geel naar oranje. Je kunt het ook zoeken in verschillende structuren en reliëfs. Laat ook zien waar je vanuit bent gegaan.
Deze opdracht leek me nou eens een goede gelegenheid om iets te doen met al die zonneprints die ik in de zomer had gemaakt. Omdat ik al eerder een quilt voor deze groep had gemaakt met groene zonneprints, heb ik er nu voor gekozen om blauwe stoffen te gebruiken.
For our group "De uitdaging" a deadline is looming, I have to finish a little quilt on februari first.
The assingment is: “One color!”. Take a motif or subject for example from nature and make a quilt with it. You are allowed to use just one color, which can have several tints of the same color.
I thought this was an excellent opportunity to use some of the sunprints I made in summer. Because I had already made a quilt for this group using green sunprints, I now choose to use blue sunprints. All leaves that have been used for making the sunprints are from our own garden, they are dandelion, clematis, geranium and fern. I quilted the quilt intensively around the leaves, using different colors of blue. It is not yet finished.
The assingment is: “One color!”. Take a motif or subject for example from nature and make a quilt with it. You are allowed to use just one color, which can have several tints of the same color.
I thought this was an excellent opportunity to use some of the sunprints I made in summer. Because I had already made a quilt for this group using green sunprints, I now choose to use blue sunprints. All leaves that have been used for making the sunprints are from our own garden, they are dandelion, clematis, geranium and fern. I quilted the quilt intensively around the leaves, using different colors of blue. It is not yet finished.
3 opmerkingen:
Deze vind ik echt heel erg mooi, zonneprint wil ik deze zomer echt gaan uitproberen
Wunderbar! LOL
I really do like what you've done here...really pretty.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
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