Het lapje (gordijnstof):

En na punchen, angelina, organza, polyester vlies en de verfstripper:

Hoi, welkom op mijn blog. Ik ben Margeeth en schrijf in dit blog over mijn wederwaardigheden als quiltster en over mijn katten.
Altijd handig als origineel cadeautje (samen met een boeken- of cd-bon) voor van die mensen van het type "wat wil je voor je verjaardag?" "O, niks, ik heb alles al".
Some of the leftover altered fabrics for the dutch bagladies quilt, I used to make some bookcovers for those little booklets you can write adresses in. Nice original gifts for people who want nothing because they already have everything.
This ATC I received from Anne in France. She used to make embroidered ATC's but wanted to try something different, so made this fabric one. I like it very much, it's like an arch in an baroque building, but I have some doubts about whether I haven't put it upside down, considering the heart shaped buttons.
When I was checking out Emmy's blog, I was somewhat startled when I saw this post. The cat looks just like Jenny, even her age is the same. Creepy, it's like seeing Jenny's ghost. But now you have Sifra? Yes, I have, but Sifra is the replacement for a cat, not for Jenny (not to mention that she is totally different). It's funny, in our street, just five houses away, lives a cat who looks also just like Jenny. I know she lives there and see her all the time but because I know this I know it is not Jenny, so that doesn't bother me at all.
Ik had andere verf gekocht, ook procion, maar dan van het merk "Jaquard" maar ben er niet echt weg van, de kleuren zijn fletser.
Well, miss Sifra has managed to get herself outdoors. Much too soon of course, she has only been here little more then a week and you are supposed to wait three weeks before letting a new cat outside. I can hear you thinking "you should have paid more attention". I did pay attention but unfortunately my children are children so they forgot. Youngest didn't close the door properly and out went Sifra. I tried to catch her but she wouldn't let me. The weather was good so I left the back door open and luckily she came back by herself. So now she can go outside if she wants. The second picture is of some of the fabrics I dyed. I actually dyed this batch twice, I used dyes of a different brand and the colors are much paler.
Als je wilt ruilen, stuur me even een e-mail met welke je wilt hebben. Ook van vorige series heb ik er nog aardig wat, die kunnen ook geruild worden.
Have made new ATC's for trading, sent me an e-mail if you want one. I also have a lot left from former series.
With great regrets, we have to inform you that ironing shirts is no longer a possibility.
Yours sincerely,
The Household Management
(geen idee of het ook lekker is, ik drink eigenlijk bijna nooit bier dus DH moet het proeven)
was er ook een kleine tentoonstelling van schilderijen gemaakt door streekgenoten (foto's gemaakt door jongste):