Ik had het niet echt officieel vastgelegd, maar had vier doelen:
- Gewoon veel maken, niet teuten omdat ik er niet zeker van was of het ontwerp wel goed genoeg was, maar gewoon beginnen.
- De enorme hoeveelheid stoffen die ik in de loop der tijden had verzameld wat laten slinken door zoveel mogelijk stoffen uit mijn 'stash' te gebruiken en niet teveel bij te kopen.
- Elke week een klein vierkant quiltje van ongeveer 5 inch maken.
- Ook nog wat quilts voor een ander maken zoals dromenquilts, little quilts of love of droomdekentjes.
Inspired by other bloggers who looked at the goals they set themselves at the beginning of the year and checked what has become of those goals, I deciced to do this too.
I didn't make it official, but in my head I had four goals:
1. Just make a lot of things, no endless procrastinating about the design, but just start.
2. Use as many fabrics from my stash as I could and not buy to much fabrics.
3. Make a little square quilt of about 5 inches every week
4. Also make some quilts for others, like little quilts of love, "dromenquilts" or "droomdekentjes".
En dit is wat er van terecht is gekomen; ik heb dit jaar:
And this is what has become of my goals, this year I made:
twaalf quiltjes voor de abstract challenge,
twelve quiltlets for abstract challenge,
thirteen journal quiltlets (I made two in march)




Aaarrrghhh, when you see all this, it is quite a lot. You would almost think that my house must be a real mess, the children walking around in smelling rags, everyone in my family is starved and I am walking around totally sleepdepraved. Not to worrym, this is not the case, to the contrary, since our house is on the market it is neater than it has ever been, I have heard no complains of the rest of the family and I have gotten all sleep I needed (which unfortunately is quite a lot).
Goal 1 (just make a lot) was definitively reached.
Allthough I did buy some fabrics I managed to make a clearly visible dent in my stash, I emptied two big containers (which now house other non quilting stuff) and I used a significant amount of my older 'regular' quilting fabric, so goal 2 (diminishing my stash) has also been met.
Goal 3, makeing a little 5" quilt every week turned out to be too much, I stopped making them because making them interferred with my other stuff. Later I made some more and donated the lot to charity. hich gets me to goal 4, making some things for charity, Allthough I made less than former years (one cannot do all), I made some and think this goal has been reached also.
This makes three out of four, which is fine with me. Tomorrow I will blog about 2010, for now I wish you all a happy new year.