Het lapje (gordijnstof):

En na punchen, angelina, organza, polyester vlies en de verfstripper:

Today we have the third meeting of the quiltgroup "the dutch bagladies". I am going to show them my garden quilt. Blogreaders have to wait some more to see this quilt, I will wait untill september when it has been in this show in Arnhem. What I can show you is the way I altered one of the more hideous fabrics. The first picture is of the original (curtain?) fabric, the second after I was finished with it (punching, sparkles, sheers, heattool).
I am quite curious to see what the other members of our group have done for this theme.
1 opmerking:
Als je alle lelijke lapjes zo mooi kunt maken, dan mag je je gelukkig prijzen. Prachtig gewoon. Weet je al waar je het in gaat gebruiken? Of laat je het zo?
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